Trash of the Count’s Family

Trash of the Count’s Family
Trash of the Count's Family

Trash of the Count’s Family is the dream of every disappointed fan of any Shounen series. Instead of having a hyperactive protagonist with a rarely working brain focused on achieving success or going on a never-ending adventure, we have a protagonist who simply wishes to eliminate conflicts to slack around. To do this, he is not putting himself on the front lines just to get hammered time after time to get stronger slowly; instead, he uses those that are a lot stronger before creating the best lineup of strong individuals.

The writer is proficient; every single means in story writing is present and done skillfully. The comedic timing, the dark tones, the pacing, the world-building, everything is well done and flawlessly drafted. The most exciting factor of this novel comes from the nations' conflicts and the secrets that make all individuals weak to some form of aggression. Manipulation of lies, investment, and reckless spending creates a delightful, unique storyline.

The characters are well-defined and described realistically, to a point. Characters act according to their age and position and become better or worse depending on the situation. The baddies are all pursuing their fixations, but they never self-destruct. Instead, it slowly becomes harder and harder to deal with certain enemies. Lastly, the supporting characters don't become the lifeline of the protagonist as they are just following the ordinary course of their lives, a good example being the protagonist's family.

From a certain point of view, you can see a lot of flaws, like misunderstandings being used as plot anchors while acquiring information in dubious coincidences. Even so, we can't simply expect to see a story where everything is believable. This novel progresses chapter by chapter, requiring much more excitement to keep the fan base steady and growing.

In conclusion, I can only sing praise for Trash of the Count’s Family as it's both highly entertaining and capable of surprising for its plot depth. It could have been perfect, but it missed the mark because of a particular golden individual that almost became a form of plot armor. I highly recommend it to everyone who wants a good read.

Latest chapter: 776

Download Trash of the Count's Family eBook

Part 1

c001 - c100: ePub

c101 - c200: ePub

c201 - c300: ePub

c301 - c398: ePub

c399 - c499: ePub

c500 - c600: ePub

c601 - c698: ePub

c699 - c776 + 7 side stories: ePub

Part 2

c001 - c100: ePub

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