Supernatural Movie Actor App

Supernatural Movie Actor App
Supernatural Movie Actor App

Supernatural Movie Actor App is a distinctive series not ashamed to play with evil. Although the original idea provided is that the main character has dissociative identity disorder, the writing continues dropping hints that this may only be partially true. The script hints that the contained ML within the MC's body may have different origins. Mysteries envelop the two leading characters; they have background histories in the real world and with other characters they encounter, leaving me thirsty for more information.

One thing that makes these series stand out against their competitors is the overarching plot development guiding the plot in a standard direction instead of having just a bunch of random games appearing. Another important detail is that all the characters are fleshed out, including the secondary characters, and each has their backgrounds, personalities, and motivations. One is blind. They bring the plot together and make the MC more likable.

The MC has a combination of both good and evil traits, feeling more like a natural person. He's loyal to his friends, even though it looks like he doesn't care about them, and he's ruthless toward his enemies. He does not care at all about people he doesn't know. He's a successful horror artist. I don't know what the ML is yet. His friends have personalities, innocence, and ferocity unique to their characters instead of acting similarly.

Also, another unnerving aspect of the romance is that dog food scenes happen at the weirdest times. An important character is hanging between life and death, and the MC and ML would be flirting with each other. Please keep some consideration for the deceased and perishing.

Excellent world background. Excellent character design. Excellent follow-through with the plots. The romance is oddly creepy, weird, and bizarre, which is a perfect choice for this genre. Overall, I strongly recommend Supernatural Movie Actor App.

Latest chapter: COMPLETE

Download Supernatural Movie Actor App eBook

arc 1: Red Wraith

arc 2: Zombie Lover

arc 3: Horror Skewers

arc 4: 1552 Haunted House

arc 5: Living Hell

arc 6: Hospital

arc 7: Tarot Game

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