Something’s Not Right

Something’s Not Right
Something's Not Right

For the first time, the story is from the perspective of the random bystander in a novel, where nearly everyone around him has transmigrated!

Of course, this random bystander is a pretty important character – one of the main leads, Emperor Jingren – but even he is just an NPC of the game based on a novel. Something’s Not Right is a unique take and was quite hilarious to read, knowing what we know about the transmigrators plotting around him, especially since their goal is to make him fall in love with one of them.

The main couple is unbearably cute, sweet, and funny. I was genuinely rooting for the couple to succeed all the way through. Conscientious characters who value and appreciate each other is my favorite trope, which this had in spades.

The mystery had me hooked initially and was quite a fun story! On the shorter side for novels of its kind, but it felt complete. The side characters are a little less developed than other cyan wings novels I've read, but they fit the story and were still pretty fun.

The romance could be more timely, though, and we don't get the reveal of why the transmigrators are here, how they know each other, and their goal until the last 15% of the novel. The speed and style of the story also shift unexpectedly, and there's a pile of exposition toward the finale that could be smoother. Even so, all the loose ends get tied up, the truths that should come to light do come to light, and it is a happy ending.

Something’s Not Right is entertaining, and the translator has done an excellent job, as always!

Latest chapter: COMPLETE

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