Full Level Bigshot Only Takes the Career Path

Full Level Bigshot Only Takes the Career Path
Full Level Bigshot Only Takes the Career Path

It's surprisingly good. I had low expectations, but Full Level Bigshot Only Takes the Career Path was a lovely, relaxing, slow-paced BL about MC who wants to cherish his life and learn to fall in love.

The characters don't feel flat. They could be more in-depth, but the author wrote their personality believably. Their nature doesn't only consist of one adjective, and there is logic behind their actions. The plot is simple and enjoyable to read if you are okay with it being slow.

The romance is slow-paced, from strangers to friends to lovers, and delightful to read. I like how they spent much time together and that the MC also started the relationship. It's adorable how he goes into forums and heeds all the relationship guides. ML is exceptionally soft and cares a lot for MC. Their relationship is very relaxing to read.

Usually, the MC is the actor in an entertainment setting, and the president is the ML. Here, it is the opposite. I understand the feeling of MC, and it's a relief to see him doing well in this life. The idle moments and the not-so-sweet dating in the middle are a little monotonous, making this novel quite realistic.

Most of the time, when I read extra or side stories in romance novels, I don't expect much. It's either the side CP (which I skip) or some random short stories that are entertaining to read but will only affect my view of the novel a little. The extras in this novel were nice and cute, didn't feel random, and provided some pleasant aftertaste to reading the novel. It didn't make me view the novel in a new light, but they are better-written extras than most.

Latest chapter: 34

Download Full Level Bigshot Only Takes the Career Path eBook

c001 - c034: ePub

c035 - c068: ePub

c068 - c102: ePub

37 extras: ePub

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