Everyone Else is a Returnee

Everyone Else is a Returnee
Everyone Else is a Returnee

Everyone Else is a Returnee is immersive, well-written, and in-depth. The lore is fascinating. And the world-building is excellent. Despite not being into harems, I could enjoy the many female characters in the story since it felt like they do have a "character" (not only there for harem). The side characters are also fantastic and get some level of development.

The best part of this story is the MC and his witty comedic moments. It made me stick to reading the story despite the slow beginning; it gets better, so stick to it. Yu Ilhan is smart (king of foreshadows), cautious (doesn't unquestioningly trust people), and practical. He's not evil, but he is willing to do somewhat morally ambiguous things for what he finds necessary.

Most of the time, he tries not to leave any loose ends and prepares like crazy. In Yu Ilhan's words, ready for the boss and the chance of a hidden boss. This personality also means he is willing to kill and will resort to killing if needed. He is a great MC in an overall well-written story. I give it a 10/10 and will recommend Everyone Else is a Returnee, even with the harem tag.

Latest chapter: COMPLETE

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