The Ugly Empress

The Ugly Empress
The Ugly Empress

The Ugly Empress is very memorable. It stands out in its own right because it has a unique flair while following some very conventional tropes of its genre.

I relish the edgy exchanges between the two leading characters as they engage in a battle of nerves. I appreciate how compelling of a character Teng Yun is since he maintains a strong sense of self, even in the troubling circumstances he finds himself in. He's introverted and introspective, and very importantly, the author makes it clear that despite his new body and identity, he is the man he is. Alongside the sophistication and profundity of the minor and supporting characters - there is plenty of interest to enjoy in this gem that thwarts it from getting trite, mainly with that insane plot twist at the onset of Volume 2.

It's not perfect in its romance or nature as a history novel, admittedly (every big decision is about the military, and domestic policy seemingly is managed entirely off-screen other than one PR stunt). Still, it's a refreshing structure for a historical Yaoi novel in which a likable MC and a gong ML who isn't fully 100% perfect.

Something other than this might suit your taste if you want a fluffy story. But if you like excellent MC and ML, great generals and great rulers, talented and thinking about their people, this is the right book for you. Their adoration didn't come from nothing. They both learn to love each other, and the feeling gets more profound with each interaction. The more the story unfolds, the more you understand why they finally fell for each other.

The side CP will serve you with fluff and a more dreamy love story. Yet their narrative won't exceed the leading CP. One thing that makes me love this book is a hot NSFW stuffed in it, with our shameless ML finally succeeding in getting our MC's love (and body).

If you like stories in historical settings with MC solid and independent and not vying for ML's love or affection, you'll like The Ugly Empress.

Latest chapter: COMPLETE

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c01 - c45: ePub | PDF

c46 - c81 + 3 extras: ePub

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