Boyfriends Always Turned Out to Be a Horror Movie Boss

Boyfriends Always Turned Out to Be a Horror Movie Boss
Boyfriends Always Turned Out to Be a Horror Movie Boss

This is a very interesting horror-genre danmei and very ambitious. I would really like to know how the Boyfriends Always Turned Out to Be a Horror Movie Boss story progresses.

As of chapter 19, 3 plots somehow got smashed in this story. You'll know when you read it. It seemed like there are 3 "worlds" that convened, one is an intergalactic world where the "Lord God" AI, I'm assuming, is harvesting energy from "small worlds" using players/transmigrators; the usual transmigration plot wherein the MC is a transmigrator. Then there are the "small worlds" aka "movie worlds" where transmigrators are put to "colonized"; the world from NPCs' perspective.

Then, a reborn MC is supposedly from this "movie world's" future where the events that happened in the "movie world" are just legends/myths passed down from generation to generation. The MC is the reason why the plot of the "movie world" went off course and it seems that the intergalactic Lord God can't detect the changes he did so MC might be someone from a much higher plane than the intergalactic world.

Isn't it ambitious? Does it whet your appetite for good stories? Find out if we have the same taste and check out Boyfriends Always Turned Out to Be a Horror Movie Boss.

Latest chapter: 92

Download Boyfriends Always Turned Out to Be a Horror Movie Boss eBook

Arc 1: Her Strangeness
ePub | PDF | Mobi

Arc 2: Wrath of Cthulhu
ePub | PDF | Mobi

Arc 3: Deadly Infection
ePub | PDF | Mobi

Arc 4: Nightmare
ePub | PDF | Mobi

Arc 5: Hell's Bus
ePub | PDF | Mobi

Arc 6: Top Secret: 4050
ePub | PDF | Mobi

Arc 7: Lord God World
ePub | PDF | Mobi

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