Banished to Another World

Banished to Another World
Banished to Another World

Banished to Another World is very engaging. The plot is methodological so that it will be clear even with the various happenings and characters. The world-building is immersive, and the author puts thought into the cause and effect of race relations and the impact of climates on the development of civilization.

The best thing is that author has a moral compass. How many novels have authors tried to portray their main characters as the 'good guys,' but they are even more disgusting than the villains? How many genocides and rapes do MCs do, but they all have excuses like it's not their fault and they can't help it? Even in the modern setting, somehow, MC could be a heartless prick.

But the MC here is genuinely good, quality goodness. Now, he's not at first, but by the end of the story, he is someone with a moral compass.

Let's talk about ML, that do not have a moral compass. He did rape our MC, and I don't think he grew any humanity. But! Our MC do not fall in love with him willy-nilly, and there is a significant effort on his part to create a space for him in our MC's heart; thus, their relationship is not disgusting like other rapes turn into a love story.

The romance in this story was more meaningful than in other BL novels. They feel like partners (which I like. The story isn't about an OP ML that always helps and protects a weak MC. They're partners who are good at different things.) For many BL/Yaoi novels, nothing remains of the story if you strip away the ML acting Yandere and the MC acting helpless, cute, and innocent. For this novel, if you remove the romantic parts between the MC and ML, 95% of an epic story remains. Plus, It's a slow-burn romance instead of the usual BL novels where MC and ML fall in love early on.

Anyway, there are so many great things about this story, and if you could just power through the torture, rape, and cannibalism in the first part of Banished to Another World, you will find the story is worth it.

Latest chapter: 75

Download Banished to Another World eBook

Arc 1: A Guide to Scum Reconstruction

Arc 2: Establishing the Jiuyuan Tribe

Arc 3: Tests from All Directions

Arc 4: Across the Black Forest

Arc 5: The Lost Inheritance

Arc 6: The Morgan Bazaar Disturbance

Arc 7: Across the Black Forest

Arc 8: So What if the Envoys from the Three Cities Come

Arc 9: The Days of Earning Yuanjing Coins Angrily

Arc 10: Wind Rise from All Directions, and Wucheng Gathers

Arc 11: Raiding the Western Continent

Arc 12: Chaos in the Royal City

Arc 13: Where is the Child of Life

Arc 14: To Fight Against the Outside World, We Must First Settle Down Inside

Arc 15: Long Live the Priest (END)

Arc 16: Those Things in the Future

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